
If you are a dance lover loosing weight is just like a fun trip for you.

Dance is an art form which refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music.
Dancing is not only fun but it is also a good exercise to be fit physically and mentaly.

Dancing has lots of styles like break dancing, hip-hop, ballroom, ballet, classical dancing etc. But every dance involves body movement and flexibility.

Doctors have already proved the benefits of dancing in day to day life. Experts say dancing, burns calories, boosts energy, improves circulation and tones muscle--which leads to increased strength, endurance and flexibility.

Around 30 minutes of countinous dancing will burn 200 to 400 calories and at the same time help in the prevention of osteoporosis i.e.slow loss of bone mass, relieves tension and stress, improves your mood and serves as an outlet for your creativity.

A minimum of 20 minutes session three times a week will improve your cardiovascular results. But if your goal is to burn calories and lose weight, you need to increase those numbers.For an older person with no fitness background, 45 minutes of moderate dancing once a week is a good.

For many people looking to get fit, the dance floor offers a good entertaining alternative, and doing some thing you like makes it easier then anything else.
Simple rule: More you like it more you gonna do it.

So if you are tired of regular traditional exercises I'm sure dancing a little bit everyday will definitely help you lose weight.

Let all that good health come dancing your way.

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