Knowing your enemy first

Not only being overweight is obesity.

Am I Obese ?

If answer to any of these question is yes, then you are.

* Is your Body Mass Index (BMI) around or above 30?
* You are a female with Waist Hip Ratio more than 0.85?
* You are a male with Waist Hip Ratio more than 0.95?
* You are a female with Body Fat ranging more then 25%?
* You are a male with body fat ranging more then 12%?

Many people think that it is bad to be overweight simply because you do not look nice and you cannot fit into nice clothes. But there is more to it than that, obesity is a major problem that is affecting the whole world.

It is definitely as bad as any other killer disease like cancer, tumor etc. It keeps growing if care is not taken in early stages. Well the good part over cancer is that you don't have to undergo costly medical tests to know you are growing fat, your pants do that job for you :)

On this blog I dont want to go in too specifics of obesity, I'll rather try to keep my pace on Killing Obesity.

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