Brisk walking the simplest exercise

Brisk walking is the simplest form of exercise. It implies walking at a pace which is faster than your normal leisure speed but still not exhausting.

It does not only reduce the body fat percentage but is also beneficial for lowering cholesterol, treating high blood pressure and diabetes.

For fat and overweight people, brisk walking is best exercise because walking at a fast pace involves the workout of the entire body which in turn helps in trimming and toning of a body.

An average walk lasting around 45 minutes can do wonders beyond your imagination.

An uphill walk is also a good exercise for heart and a downhill walk is good for reducing sugar levels. Due to location constraints a hilly walk would not be possible for everyone. The solution for this is a treadmill.

Walking exerts less pressure on the joints, which makes it easier for the overweight.

Real effects of walking are seen in long term and they last forever.

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